Make The Connection
Where business growth and wealth creation for ethnically-diverse businesses is not a haphazard process.
We are a 501(c)(3) business membership organization developed specially to focus on cultivating business relationships and opportunities among ethnically-diverse businesses and corporate members.
The Business Connection Program offers a way for our ethnically-diverse business members to strategically connect with corporate partners and other ethnically-diverse businesses. Whether our members participate in our Module, focused matchmaking or one-on-one support, we are committed to helping our member businesses grow.
TBC has identified barriers of growth for ethnically-diverse businesses and establishes goals to address these barriers in the private and public sectors to increase prosperity among its members and the minority business community.
As a member of TBC, you also have the option to participate in the Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce (MMAC) membership and their additional programming for a flat fee.
The Business Connection Program’s goal is to accelerate the growth of TBC members by connecting them to corporations and other members. The Business Connection Program (formerly the Supplier Diversity Module) brings together TBC members with corporate, medium to large public-sector firms and small businesses to explore business opportunities and relationships.
Businesses Helped
Working Hours Spent Helping Ethnically-Diverse Businesses
About Us
Who We Are.
TBC is the architect of high quality resources, education and tools to assist both ethnically-diverse businesses and corporations through Southeastern Wisconsin. We work to expand economic growth and support business aspirations.
Are You A Charity?
We are not a charity, chamber, or regional council, we are a membership association.
What is your relationship with the MMAC?
We leverage our relationship with the MMAC by cultivating business opportunities for ethnically-diverse businesses to enhance economic growth in diverse communities across Wisconsin. This ultimately leads to increased revenue generation, larger workforce, and increased education that not only strengthen the City of Milwaukee but surrounding communities throughout Wisconsin.
How are your resources allocated?
Resources are dedicated to help fund our Business Connection Program as well as our overall operations.
What is the Business Connection Program?
The Business Connection Program is our flagship capacity-building program for ethnically- diverse businesses throughout Wisconsin. The Business Connection Program accelerates the growth of TBC members by connecting them to corporations, businesses or other TBC members.
The Business Connection Module (formerly the Supplier Diversity Module) brings together TBC members with corporate, medium to large public-sector firms and small businesses to explore business opportunities and relationships.
Whether we are providing one-on-one technical assistance, matchmaking or conducting the Business Connection Module, we are always making the connection for your business’ goals.
Once you become a TBC Member, you can exercise all of the benefits of our programming without additional out-of-pocket expenses.
What is Scale Up Milwaukee?
Scale Up Milwaukee, now an initiative of The Business Council, Inc., is transforming the culture of growth through impactful events and programs designed to infuse growth into every corner and help spread inclusive economic prosperity.
We achieve this by working directly with ambitious entrepreneurs and the stakeholders that support them!
Our Services
Who We Serve.
Our target audience is ethnically-diverse businesses, as well as public and private sector business entities throughout the State of Wisconsin.
* Billed Annually
Become A Member.
To become a business member of TBC, please register below, complete the contact inquiry form, or give us a call at (414) 287-4108.
You also have the option to select a joint membership, which gives you the ability of becoming a member of both TBC and MMAC, thus receiving the benefits and privileges of both organizations for a cost of one membership fee.
TBC Membership
TBC Member Benefits:
- Business development opportunities
- Improved access for ethnically-diverse businesses
- Assistance and resources to increase business growth
- Networking opportunities
- Scale Up Milwaukee
TBC & MMAC Membership
Get the benefits of both organizations- a $750+ value.
- All of the benefits of TBC membership
- Business and managerial acumen
- Access to full benefit of the Business Connection Program
Frequently Asked
Admission Of Members
Prospective members are required to pay TBC or TBC/MMAC membership dues in full at the time of their application. Membership dues cover one year of membership and are renewable each calendar year. Dues, which are subject to change, are paid in advance and are continuous until cancelled in writing within 14 days of the renewal date.
Are My Membership Dues Tax Deductible?
No, TBC Membership Dues are not tax-deductible.
How Can I Cancel My Membership?
You can cancel your membership dues 14 days before the date of your annual due date. Cancellations must be made in writing or your membership will be renewed automatically for the next year.
Our Partners
Join The Growing List Of Partners.


Marjorie Rucker is Executive Director of The Business Council, Inc. She is also the Chair of the Ethnic and Diverse Business Coalition (EDBC), which consists of 18 ethnic and diverse chambers of commerce and community development financial institutions. Marjorie earned her bachelor’s degree in History from Mount Mary University in 2000 and her juris doctorate degree from Vermont Law School in 2003.
Marjorie Rucker
Executive Director